Crystal Healing Sessions

We are so excited to offer Crystal Healing sessions for our clients! This service works with your body's current energetic state, and uses the natural properties of stones to adjust, unblock and support your energy's flow.

Below we have provided a brief run down of what a service looks like, a description of how the session flows, and some answers to Frequently Asked Questions. 

We look forward to working with you and thanks for being here!


$100 per session


Sessions are up to one hour

*I recommend planning to be here for the full hour so we are not rushing through your service


Select Mondays between 

1:00pm - 6:00pm


The session will begin with a check-in to the learn your goals for the session and establish boundaries & comfort levels.  I will cleanse and purify the space as you choose the stones you would like to work with.

The session will begin with sound cleansing via singing bowl, placement of the stones on your body and opening the grid. I will then connect with your energy and let it guide me to the areas of your energy that are asking for support.

This is a non-contact service, where my hands will hover just above you. We can talk about what does and does not feel confortable for you with this, and there are accommodations we can make depending on your needs and comfort/safety levels.


The session will begin with a check-in to the learn your goals for the session and establish boundaries & comfort levels. I will cleanse and purify the space as you choose the stones you would like to work with.

The session will begin with sound cleansing via singing bowl, placement of the stones on your body and opening the grid. I will then connect with your energy and let it guide me to the areas of your energy that are asking for support.

This is a non-contact service, where my hands will hover just above you. We can talk about what does and does not feel confortable for you with this, and there are accomodations we can make depending on your needs and comfort/safety levels.


"What is a Crystal Healing Session?"

Crystal Healing Sessions are a therapeutic modality that uses the energetic charge of crystals to engage with the body's energy centers (or Chakras). Your energy connects with the crystals (called Piezoelectricity) to communicate where you are focusing your energy, and what areas may need some support. This therapeutic modality utilizes specific natural stones to work in tandem with your body's current energetic state to show where you have healthy energy flows, to identify over/under utilized energy centers, and locate possible blockages.

"C'Mon... does it actually work??"

Actually...yes! Crystals are largely carbon material, just like humans. When a human's energy connects with that of a crystal, it creates an electrical charge called piezoelectricity. Pee-aye-zo-electricity. Crystals innately emit an electrical charge (which is one of the reason they are used in so many modern devices!). When this charge connects to a human's energy, their energy behavior is communicated to the CHT therapist.

"Ok, but how do you know what my energy is saying?"

Using claircognizance, I can attune to your energy. In this way it communicates where it feels secure and healthy, and where it would like some additional support. I often feel sensations of heat, cool/cold and stagnancy. My clients' energy will communicate messages like "we're good here" or "stay longer, i'm feeling ___" This is how I discern which areas to work with and which to move on from.

"Will you know things about me that I don't want to share?"

The short answer is no. Your comfort and safety are always my top priority. My practice is rooted in trauma-informed care, so your experiences are protected, unless you choose to disclose them with me. Energy locations and behaviors may communicate a need for support or care, but specifics of your experiences are yours. I respect your privacy.

"What do you mean by 'heat and cold sensations?' "

When I am working with your energy, often there will be an increased sensation of warmth between your energy field/outer body and my hands. Likewise, a cold sensation may occur at times. This is just your energy communicating its needs and current state with me. I listen to the ways your energy translates your current state. While being guided by spirit, it is my goal to provide care and support to the areas that will benefit you.

"Is this a contact service, like a massage?"

Typically, no. I work with your energy, so there is no need for me make contact with your physical body. That being said, I do offer my clients the option of a no contact service or a light contact service. Because I understand some folks have sensory preferences that are comforted by touch, I can provide light physical connection to the head/face, shoulders/arms and/or below the knees upon request.

"Will we talk during my session?"

We will spend a few minutes talking before the service starts, so I can learn what brought you in. I will ask some comfort questions before we begin to ensure you feel safe and respected throughout your session. Once the session begins, I typically do not talk because I am listening to your energy and what it is asking for. If you prefer a more narrated experience, where I explain what I am doing while I'm doing it, I am happy do provide that for you upon request.

"How will I feel afterwards?"

Clients feel a variety of ways at the completion of a session. This is very dependent upon what work is done, how willing you are to share your energy with me/the stones, and what type of work is performed during your session. Clients have communicated experiencing stress relief, a feeling of relaxation, a tingling or dizzy feeling, being tired or a warm feeling of relaxation. Though these are some examples, your experience is your own and there is no one way you are expected to feel.

"How often should I schedule an appointment?"

I usually recommend anywhere between 4 - 6 weeks between appointments, though you can book up to one service per week if you would like!

BONUS: "How do I book with you?"

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