About Us

Hello and thank you for visiting our site!  

Black Bird Spiritual is a company founded on the belief that everyone deserves peace and healing.  Our goal is to provide services and products that help you center into your authentic self, while becoming more in tune with the universe and your connection to it. 


Black Bird Spirtual is an American company that comes from Scottish roots.  

We strongly believe, in any practice, there is absolutely no reason to appropriate other cultures. 

We are intentional in the services we provide and the ways in which we offer support. We work to keep our pratices rooted in our ancestral practices. It is our intention to be respectful of all individuals, communities and cultures when we offer services and products.


My name is Katie, and I am the owner of Black Bird Spritiual.

After working in trauma/domestic violence advocacy for over a decade, and being a survivor myself, I needed to find a new way to continue helping others, while working from a place that was sustainable and healthy for myself.  

I meditated on what do to, and the idea of Black Bird Spiritual was given to me.  With 12 years experience in tarot, and 10+ years of working in trauma and domestic violence advocacy, I hold a deep affinity and care for supporting the healing of the mind, body and spirit through trauma-informed care.


"When my oldest child was just a baby, in the midst of some of the hardest situations I've experienced, I used to sing the song Black Bird to her, as a way to promise to her (and myself) that we would rise above our situation. Years later, this song is still a way that we connect with eachother.

As the years went on, I grew an interest in crows.  They are incredibly smart animals, very curious, brilliant, loyal and committed to their murder (group of crows). I found myself identifying with the false stigma that crows have, despite their brilliance.  When I was given the idea to start Black Bird Spiritual, I wanted a name that both represented my journey to this point, and the way in which I experience the world. "         

- Katie, Black Bird Spiritual Owner


We are happy you are here and we look forward to working with you.  

Thank you for letting me be a small part of your spiritual journey.